We represent the smartest deal. By offering an alternative for buying the latest and greatest products. For spending too much on hardware that doesn’t make a true difference for a company’s performance, especially when budgets are limited. Simultaneously, we represent the best ecological option, by reducing the need of resources and reducing waste.
We are the gateway for buying refurbished hardware without compromise. We make Circular IT happen, whether it is; through selling new equipment with a guaranteed buy back, Rent or Demo services, or by selling the best possible refurbished products.
Despite our youth, Flex IT Distribution is already active in more than 10 countries. Because of our unique business proposition, we are growing at a rate of 30% each year. With our offices across Europe, we can guarantee a local contact person that will help you find the best solution for you and your customer.
Flex IT Distribution has a large hardware stock and experience in manufacturing. We buy our stock in large quantities, ship them to our 20.000 .sqm warehouse, allowing us to preserve a large amount of inventory. Due to these quantities and unique inventory we can offer a significant margin increase for you and a friendly price for your customer. If your order is completely in stock, it could be delivered the next day. Your order can be sent to your office for renovation, installation or setup, or it can be shipped directly to your customer, (completely white-label of course).
We would like to make you an offer you cannot refuse. You will be amazed by the possibilities we have to offer!
This is what we do
Infotheek Group
Established in 1991 and is now the leading Circular IT specialist in Europe. Explore Infotheek GroupFlex IT Rent
We deliver the equipment, ready-to-use, within 24 hours, where and whenever! Explore RentCircular IT
A resource-efficient alternative to the traditional linear wear and tear economy. Explore Circular ITAsset Recovery
28 years of experience in collecting, cleaning, and wiping data and hardware. Explore Asset RecoveryDemo
Ready to help your Evaluation Products win business. Explore DemoIT4Kids
IT4Kids: Donate your depreciated IT equipment and help children play sports! Explore IT4KidsApproved Selection
Approved Selection is used equipment that can not be distinguished from new. Explore Approved Selection