
E-commerce companies jump on sustainability trend

E-commerce companies jump on sustainability trend

Image: Shutterstock
28 October 2022

More and more e-commerce platforms are jumping on the growing demand for circular products. In addition to new products, the number of used products being offered are increasing rapidly. A shift towards sustainable alternatives is taking place.

Whereas consumers were previously dependent on specialized sites and apps such as Marktplaats.nl and eBay for the online purchase of circular products, a shift is now taking place to other e-commerce platforms. According to Maurice Jongmans, CEO of Online Payment Platform, this is good for the relationship with customers and an interesting source of additional income.

Retailers can sell the products they previously sold as new to customers themselves as refurbished through their own channels, Jongmans sees. “Customers, when searching for a new phone for example, automatically get the option to buy a refurbished phone. This increases the chance that you have a suitable offer in your webshop for every wallet.’’ In addition, it also helps consumers in their demand for more circular products.

Growing demand for circular products

The growing demand for circular products is not just a recent trend. Consumers are increasingly aware of the growing waste stream of electronics and as a result, are getting gradually more open to the idea of purchasing circular products. The Sustainable Business Unit at RISE Research Institutes of Sweden (RISE) conducted research that shows that customers are willing to pay for circular products. The level of ‘circularity’ (CE Score) is an important element within that willingness.

The global consumer electronics market is estimated at a worth of US$1 trillion, and the projection is that it will continue to grow. Electronics are already the fastest growing waste stream worldwide.  E-commerce companies can contribute to reducing e-waste by accommodating consumers in their growing demand for circularity and simultaneously improve their business.

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